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Freerider RF 5200 iQ Wireless Swimming Pool Robotic Cleaner (Zodiac) Recall Notice

Recall date07 Mar 2025
ProductFreerider RF 5200 iQ Wireless Swimming Pool Robotic Cleaner
Pack size
Batch codes4923, 5123, 5223
ProblemRisk of fire
Further information

This product presents with a risk of fire because the injection moulding parameters on the assembly line did not cover the necessary cooling time of the battery block (where the battery is installed), meaning that the block was weakened. When the battery was screwed into the plastic block during assembly, cracks and/or weak points developed in the plastic casing compromising the watertightness of the battery enclosure. This can result in water entering and mixing with the lithium in the battery, leading to a short-circuit, overheating, and/or the battery entering into thermal runaway, resulting in a fire.

This product does not meet safety standards. 

RF 5200 iQ

Batch Numbers:
4923, 5123, 5223

Product description: 
Blue cordless robotic pool cleaner.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information, please access the recall page at the following link: 
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