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Hummer H2 Radio Controlled Toy Car (GM official) Safety Notice

BrandGM official
Recall date18 Mar 2025
ProductRadio-controlled hummer car in dark green.
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemHigh risk of fire
Further information

This product presents with a high risk of fire due to poor quality connections. The battery output wires are soldered directly to the PCB. In a high-vibration environment, the wires could potentially detach and short-circuit, presenting a risk of fire. The USB charger also has poor quality soldering with wires soldered directly to the PCB and dry connection joints. Dry connection joints are not reliable and may fail.​

This product does not meet safety standards.

Model Number:
Hummer H2 2056A

Product description: 
Radio-controlled hummer car in dark green.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.​
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