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Microwave Kiln for Clay (Søstrene Grene) Recall Notice

BrandSøstrene Grene
Recall date18 Mar 2025
ProductA kiln that can be placed in the microwave that is designed for firing clay or glass.
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemSerious risk of electric shock
Further information

This product presents with a serious risk of electric shock as using the product in a microwave oven for purposes other than intended, such as food and beverages, poses a risk of overheating and can cause internal damage to internal components and electrical wiring. If damage occurs to the live wires, this causes the cabinet to become live. If a person touches the cabinet while live, they may receive an electric shock.

This product does not meet safety standards.

Item Barcode:

Product description: 
A kiln that can be placed in the microwave that is designed for firing clay or glass.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information, please access the recall page at the following link: â€‹
WebsiteSøstrene Grene
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