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Volvo Penta EVC 2 Recall Notice

Recall date19 Mar 2025
ProductElectronic vessel control system
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemHigh risk of injuries and drowning
Further information


This product presents with a risk of injuries as a quality issue in the Electronic Vessel Control system (EVC2) software may, under certain rare circumstances, cause an unexpected loss of control of the gearchange function. The issue manifests itself in such a way that, on rare occasions and at low speeds, the driver cannot change gears.

This product does not meet safety standards.

Product identifiers for V6 and V8 gasoline engines
Product identifiers for D4 and D6 diesel engines

Recreational Crafts – Marine control system:
The recall ID is R0048 and includes the serial number range A1124382 to A1253719. The recall applies to engines equipped with SX, DPS, TCC and FWD sterndrives and EVC2 control system with software versions released in or after week 26, 2022
The recall ID is R0049 and includes the serial number range A1083946 to A1248292. The recall applies to engines equipped with DPH sterndrives and EVC2 control system with software versions released in or after week 49, 2022

NOTICE! Not all units within the serial number range are affected

Product description: 
Electronic vessel control system

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information, please access the recall page at the following link: 
WebsiteVolvo Penta
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