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Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner (Elbow Grease) Recall Notice

BrandElbow Grease
Recall date21 Mar 2025
ProductA 500ml clear plastic bottle with red lid containing yellow hand cleansing gel
Pack size
Batch codes00645
ProblemMicrobiological Risk
Further information

This product presents with a microbiological risk as it is contaminated with aerobic mesophilic bacteria (measured value up to 9200 cfu/g). If used on damaged skin, or if it comes into contact with the eyes, the product may cause infection or irritation.

This product does not meet safety standards.

Item Number:


Affected Batch:

Product description: 
A 500ml clear plastic bottle with red lid containing yellow hand cleansing gel.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
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