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Gold Bangle & Gold Heart Necklace (Hongxin and Singit) Safety Notice

BrandHongxin and Singit
Recall date24 Mar 2025
ProductA gold-coloured bangle in yellow plastic packaging, and a gold-coloured necklace with a small heart pendant
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemSerious chemical risk
Further information

This product presents with a serious chemical risk as they were found to contain excess concentrations of cadmium and nickel. Cadmium is harmful to human health as it accumulates in the body, can damage organs and may cause cancer. Nickel is a strong sensitiser and can cause allergic reactions if present in articles that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.

Further information regarding cadmium and nickel can be found on at the following link:

This product does not meet safety standards.

Product description: 
A gold-coloured bangle in yellow plastic packaging, and a gold-coloured necklace with a small heart pendant

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
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