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LED Balloon Lights (Afaiup sold by Amazon) Safety Notice

Recall date24 Mar 2025
ProductPack of 30 small LED lights, comprising a near-spherical plastic case (truncated top and bottom) with an LED protruding from one side. Each light contains two button batteries, which are not intended to be replaceable
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemSerious risk of choking
Further information

This product presents with a serious risk of choking because it contains small button batteries with insufficient labelling. As the products are designed to be inserted into a balloon, there is a greater likelihood that they may be mouthed by consumers, including children, causing them to choke and/or receive internal burns.

This product does not meet safety standards.

Amazon Product Identifiers:
FBA15JL8TPVQU000007, X00254APLV

Product description: 
Pack of 30 small LED lights, comprising a near-spherical plastic case (truncated top and bottom) with an LED protruding from one side. Each light contains two button batteries, which are not intended to be replaceable. The lights are intended to be activated and inserted into balloons.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
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