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Sensory Roller (Hapello sold by Asda) Recall Notice

Recall date24 Mar 2025
ProductA multicoloured sensory roller with various removable shapes
Pack size
Batch codes36
ProblemHigh risk of choking
Further information

This product presents with a high risk of choking due to the potential release of a small piece of plastic lodged in the toy during the manufacturing process. If a young child accessed this small piece of plastic, they may put it in their mouth and choke.

This product does not meet safety standards.


Affected Batch Code
#36 only

Sales Period:
August 2023 to March 2025

Product description: 
A multicoloured sensory roller with various removable shapes

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information, please access the recall page at the following link:
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