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Wheel wooden toys (ELC) safety notice

BrandEarly Learning Centre
Recall date24 Jan 2017
Product(Various) wheel wooden toys
Pack size1
Batch codes
ProblemCheck the tightness of wheel screws
Further information

ā€‹Following customer feedback, the Early Learning Centre are reminding customers to check the tightness of the wheel screws for the following products:

ELC wooden pushchair
SKU: 141014

ELC wooden kitchen
SKU: 141012

ELC wooden workbench
SKU: 141013

ELC wooden toddler truck
SKU: 141208

ELC wooden toddler truck pink
SKU: 141209

As part of regular maintenance of your product, regularly check the tightness of all fittings to prevent them from coming loose.

If you have any concerns, contact ELC customer services on 0371 231 3513.

Customer care lines are open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Saturday and 9am to 5pm on Sundays.  Calls cost no more than a national standard rate call. 

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