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Notebook computer batteries (HP) recall

Recall date27 Jan 2017
ProductNotebook computer batteries
Pack size1
Batch codes
ProblemBatteries can potentially overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard
Further information

ā€‹Further to a voluntary safety recall announced in June 2016, HP have issued another notice.  Because these batteries pose a fire and burn hazard, it is essential to recheck your battery, even if you did so previously and were informed that it was not affected.

If you have already received a replacement battery, you are not affected by this expansion.

The affected batteries were shipped with specific HP, Compaq, HP ProBook, HP ENVY, Compaq Presario and HP Pavillion notebook computers, sold worldwide from March 2013 through to October 2016.  Affected batteries may have also been sold as accessories or spares, or provided as replacements through Support.

Customers should cease use of affected batteries immediately.   Customers may continue to use their notebook computer without the battery installed, by connecting the notebook to external power.

Click the link below for more information.

WebsiteHP webite
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