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Le pen (Clintons) recall

Recall date10 Apr 2017
ProductLe pen
Pack size
Batch codesVarious
ProblemPotential choking hazard
Further information

ā€‹Clintons are recalling the above product for safety reasons, as these pens may pose a potential choking hazard.

Le Pen Teal - 028617437309
Le Pen Black - 028617430102
Le Pen Red - 028617430201
Le Pen Blue - 028617430300
Le Pen Lavender - 028617430805
Le Pen Pink - 028617430904
Le Pen Light Blue - 028617431406
Le Pen Amethyst - 028617437613
Le Pen Periwinkle - 028617437514
Le Pen Orange - 02817430706
Le Pen Green - 028617430409
Le Pen Brown - 028617430607
Le Pen Burgundy - 028617432809

If you have purchased this item or received this as a gift, please return it to your local Clintons store for a full refund.

WebsiteClintons recall page
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