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KITKAT original pouch bag (Nestle) recall

Recall date18 Apr 2017
ProductKITKAT original pouch bag
Pack size104g
Batch codes70720457V2
ProblemUndeclared nuts
Further information

ā€‹Nestle is recalling a batch of its KITKAT original milk chocolate bites pouch bag because it has been mispacked with KITKAT peanut butter bites, which means that peanuts and nuts are not declared on the label.  This means the product is a possible health risk for anyone with an allergy to nuts and/or peanuts.

Product:  KITKAT Original Milk Chocolate Bites Pouch Bag
Pack Size:  104g
Batch Code:  70720457V2
Best Before:  December 2017

If you have bought the above product and have an allergy to nuts and/or peanuts, do not eat it.  Instead, dispose of the contents and send the empty pack with your name and address for a full refund to:

KITKAT Bites Recall
Freepost Consumer Services
Nestle UK Ltd

Alternatively, you may wish to phone 0800 604 604

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