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Remote Control Helicopter 'AI Copter' (Marks & Spencer) recall

BrandMarks & Spencer
Recall date12 Jan 2018
ProductRemote Control Helicopter (AI Copter)
Pack size1
Batch codesT09 8226M
ProblemRisk of the product overheating posing a safety hazard
Further information

This product has been on sale since 1st October 2017

ā€‹Customers who have purchased this product or received it as a gift are asked to return it immediately to any M&S store (except Simply Food and Outlet stores), where a full refund will be given.

Further questions regarding the product should contact Marks & Spencer customer services on 03330 148555 or click on the web link. 

WebsiteMarks & Spencer - Remote Control Helicopter (AI Copter) Recall
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