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Aycan risotto rice and aycan brown rice (Aytac Foods) recall

BrandAytac Foods
Recall date13 Mar 2018
ProductAycan risotto rice and aycan brown rice
Pack size900g
Batch codesL-6347 L4 and L-6235 AL4
ProblemInsect (weevil) infestation
Further information

ā€‹Products may have been subject to insect (weevil) infestation which make them unsafe to eat.

Aycan risotto rice - Batch code L-6347 L4, best before 23 November 2018.

Aycan brown rice - Batch code L-6235 AL4, best before 30 August 2018.

No other Aytac foods products are known to be affected.

If you have bought the above products, do not eat them. Instead, return them to the store from where they were bought for a full refund.

WebsiteFoods standards agency recall notice Aytac Foods
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