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Rolkem Special Rose Gold / Super Gold (Fabricake Sugarcraft Ltd) recall

BrandFabricake Sugarcraft Ltd
Recall date14 May 2018
ProductRolkem Special Rose Gold and Rolkem Super Gold
Pack sizeAll pack sizes
Batch codesAll batch codes / all best before dates
ProblemHigh levels of copper
Further information

ā€‹Rolkem Special Rose Gold and Rolkem Super Gold, which are food colours used to decorate food items (such as cakes), are being recalled due to high concentration of copper.

Due to the high concentration of copper, nausea, vomiting and/or abdominal pain are possible short-term effects from consumption of food items decorated with this product.

If you have bought any of the above products do not eat it. Instead, return it to the store from where it was bought for a full refund.

WebsiteFabricake product recall information
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