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Cake Decoration Products (Rolkem) recall

Recall date10 Jul 2018
ProductCake Decoration Products (all food products such as cake craft dyes, pigments and dusts)
Pack sizeAll sizes
Batch codesAll batch codes / all best before dates
ProblemManufacturer has failed to provide assurances of product safety
Further information

ā€‹Rolkem 'Expressions in Colour' has been producing a range of products for use in cakes and confectionary for which they have failed to provide assurances of product safety.

Two products were previously recalled due to elevated levels of copper in May 2018). Since that recall, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) have made concerted efforts to ascertain an accurate understanding of the Rolkem products range and requested a number of ingredient details from Rolkem to confirm their suitability for use in food. This information has not been provided.

These products are unlikely to be consumed in such levels as to cause any serious risk to health. However, there are concerns that products may contain high levels of heavy metals, contain unapproved non-food pigments and/or other unapproved ingredients.

If you have bought any of the above products, do not use or consume them or use them in products for consumption by others.

WebsiteFood standards agency notice Rolkem Cake decoration products recall
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