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Boksburg Blue Cheese (Carmarthenshire Dairy Products Ltd / Tesco) recall

BrandCarmarthenshire Dairy Products Ltd / Tesco
Recall date31 Aug 2018
ProductBoksburg Blue cheese
Pack size
Batch codesAll batch codes
Problemproduct has been produced without approval
Further information

ā€‹Carmarthenshire Dairy Products Ltd is recalling Boksburg Blue Cheese which has been sold through a limited number of Tesco stores within Wales and England, as the product has been produced without approval. It is not known what production and hygiene procedures have taken place at the premises.

Carmarthenshire Dairy Products Ltd is recalling the affected product. Point of sale notices will be displayed in all retail stores that are selling this product. The notice explains to customers why the products are being recalled and tell them what to do if they have bought the product. The product has also been recalled from Tesco stores.

If you have bought any of the above product do not eat it. Instead, return it to the store from where it was bought for a full refund.

WebsiteFood standards agency notice Boksburg Blue Cheese
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