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Baby Winnie Owl L/S Top and Baby Barney Bear Jumper (Joules) recall

BrandJoules (as sold in John Lewis stores or online)
Recall date06 Nov 2018
ProductBaby Winnie Owl L/S Top and Baby Barney Bear Jumper
Pack size
Batch codesStock numbers 21042501 / 21055501
Problem Risk of pompom detaching possible risk to child safety
Further information

ā€‹Joules have identified a potential problem with the pompom detaching on some of the affected garments, which could present a risk to young children. Although Joules have had no reports of any injuries from these products, Joules has decided to voluntarily withdraw this product from sale.

These products were sold from 30 July 2018 in John Lewis & Partners shops and on

Please stop using the product immediately, and return it to your nearest John Lewis & Partners shop as soon as possible for a full refund, or to exchange it for an alternative product if you prefer. 

WebsiteJohn Lewis Product Recall
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