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Advanced Vitality Strawberry and Blueberry Burst (SlimFast) recall

Recall date12 Nov 2018
ProductAdvanced Vitality Strawberry and Blueberry Burst
Pack size450g
Batch codes8291 BBE October 2019 / 8292 BBE October 2019 / 8293 BBE October 2019 / 8294 BBE October 2019
ProblemAllergen: Undeclared Milk Protein
Further information

ā€‹SlimFast is recalling its Advanced Vitality Strawberry + Blueberry Burst Meal Replacement Powder Shake Vegan because it contains milk protein which is not mentioned on the label. This means the product is a possible health risk for anyone with an allergy or intolerance to milk or milk constituents.

The affected product has been sold by Amazon, Asda, Sainsburyā€™s and Tesco.

Please do not consume this product. Please return the affected products to store where a full refund will be given. No receipt is required.

If you require further details, contact the freephone Customer Care number:  0800 5874471

or email:

WebsiteFood Standards Agency recall notice
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