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Bathroom mirrors (Cooke & Lewis) recall

BrandCooke & Lewis
Recall date03 Dec 2018
ProductBathroom mirrors
Pack sizeVarious
Batch codesVarious
ProblemCuts, Electric shock, Injuries
Further information

Clarach, Beauport and Garwick ā€‹Bathroom mirrors. Some models include lights and shelf.

The following bathroom mirrors are included in the recall -

Type of model - Batch number / Barcode

BEAUPORT Arch mirror 65x50 with spot - 3663602941668

CLARACH lighting mirror + shelf 50x602) - 3663602547792

CLARACH lighting mirror + shelf 65x803) - 3663602547808

GARWICK Regular mirror 45x30 with shelf - 3663602942115

GARWICK Regular mirror 45x30 with shelf - 3663602547815

GARWICK Regular mirror 60x45 with shelf - 3663602942122

GARWICK Regular mirror 60x45 with shelf - 3663602547822

GARWICK Regular mirror 80x60 with shelf - 3663602942139

GARWICK Regular mirror 80x60 with shelf - 3663602547839

CLARACH Rectangular mirror 60x50 with spot - 3663602941675

CLARACH Rectangular mirror 65x80 with spot - 3663602941682

GARWICK Arch regular mirror 40x60 with shelf - 3663602942146

GARWICK Arch regular mirror 40x60 with shelf - 3663602547846

GARWICK Arch regular mirror 50x70 with shelf - 3663602942153

GARWICK Arch regular mirror 50x70 with shelf - 3663602547853

The safety backing may be ineffective or missing and the shelves supplied are not made of toughened glass.

As a consequence, the mirror may detach from the wall fixings and fall, the glass of the shelf could break and lead to cuts. For models with lights, this could result in live wires becoming exposed presenting a risk of electric shock.


WebsiteEuropean Commission non food products alert
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