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Superdrug Fruity Pineapple and Papaya shower gel (Superdrug) recall

Recall date08 Feb 2019
ProductFruity Pineapple and Papaya shower gel
Pack sizeGift Sets
Batch codes
ProblemMay cause skin irritation
Further information

ā€‹Superdrug Fruity Trio Pineapple Set - Shower Gel, Body Lotion and Sponge.

Superdrug Fruity Tree Baubles Gift Set - Shower Gels.

A quality issue with the Pineapple and Papaya shower gel included in the above giftsets has been identified, and whilst no issues have been reported from customers, there is a possibility that using the product may cause skin irritation.

Customers are advised to stop using the shower gel immediately and to return it to any Superdrug store where they will receive a full refund.

For further information, call Superdrug Customer Services help line 03456 710709 or email:

WebsiteSuperdrug product recall
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