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Piper Crisps (Piper Crisps Ltd) recall

BrandPipers Crisps Ltd
Recall date23 Sep 2019
ProductVarious Flavours and Sizes of Piper Crisps
Pack sizeVarious
Batch codesVarious
ProblemMay contain Listeria monocytogenes
Further information

ā€‹Pipers Crisps Ltd has taken the precautionary step of recalling two varieties of crisps because they may contain Listeria monocytogenes.

Product details
Anglesey Sea Salt
Pack size: 20g, Batch code: L4 19252
Best-before date: 2020-01-27 (27 January 2020)

Anglesey Sea Salt
Pack size: 40g, Batch code: L4 19252
Best-before date: 2020-01-27 (27 January 2020)

Anglesey Sea Salt
Pack size: 40g, Batch code: L4 19253
Best-before date: 2020-01-28 (28 January 2020)

Anglesey Sea Salt
Pack size: 600g, Batch code: L4 19259
Best-before date: 2020-02-03 (3 February 2020)

Anglesey Sea Salt
Pack size: 600g, Batch code: L4 19260
Best-before date: 2020-02-04 (4 February 2020)

Anglesey Sea Salt
Pack size: 40g, Batch code: L4 19261
Best-before date: 2020-02-05 (5 February 2020)

Karnataka Black Pepper
Pack size: 40g, Batch code: L4 19254
Best-before date: 2020-01-29 (29 January 2020)

The products listed may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

Symptoms caused by this organism can be similar to flu and include high temperature, muscle ache or pain, chills, feeling or being sick and diarrhoea. Some people are more vulnerable to listeria infections, including those over 65 years of age, pregnant women and their unborn babies, babies less than one month old and people with weakened immune systems.

If you have bought any of the above products, do not eat them. Instead, return them to the store from where they were bought for a full refund (with or without a receipt).

WebsiteFood Standards Agency recall notice
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