​Boots have identified a labelling error with this product and therefore a potential safety issue. The listed batches contain Multivitamins and Iron tablets, labelled in error as Multivitamin, so the product is being recalled. - Item code: 80 57 311
- Batch numbers 1805 & 1806
- Best Before date: 11/2022
- On sale between 12th – 19th January 2021
If you have recently bought this product and it contains one of the above listed numbers stop taking the tablets and return the product to your nearest Boots store for a full refund. The batch number and Best Before date can be found on the label of the product. If you’ve bought this product for someone else, it’s important that you let them know about this as soon as possible. If you have any concerns or need any further advice, then speak to someone at your local Boots store or call the Boots Customer Care Team on 0800 915 0004. |