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Vegetable Bakes (Greggs) recall

BrandGreggs (Sold exclusively in Iceland stores)
Recall date06 May 2021
ProductVegetable Bakes
Pack size310g
Batch codesBest Before: 15 August 2021, 28 August 2021, 11 September 2021, 12 September 2021 and 26 September 2021.
ProblemThe product may contain small pieces of green glass.
Further information

ā€‹Greggs is recalling Vegetable Bakes (2 pack) because the product may contain small pieces of green glass. The possible presence of glass makes this product unsafe to eat. This product is exclusively sold in Iceland Stores and does not affect the products sold in Greggs.

If you have bought the above product do not eat it. Instead, return it to the Iceland store from where it was bought for a full refund. If you have any queries, please contact the Greggs customer careline on +44 080 8147 3447 or email

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