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Sparkling Spring Water (Highland Spring) recall

BrandHighland Spring
Recall date05 Aug 2021
ProductHighland Spring 750ml Sparkling Spring Water
Pack size750ml
Batch codesVarious
ProblemSmall number of reports that the bottles have exploded.
Further information

ā€‹Highland Spring Ltd is recalling their 750ml glass bottle of sparkling spring water on a precautionary basis because there have been a small number of reports that the bottles have exploded.

Batch codes:

1137 (Use by MAY 2023)
1138 (Use by MAY 2023)
1139 (Use by MAY 2023)
1172 (Use by JUN 2023)
1173 (Use by JUN 2023)
1201 (Use by JUL 2023)
1202 (Use by JUL 2023)

If you have bought an affected product, do not drink it. 

Please contact Highland Spring Ltd on or call 01764 660 500for a refund. Please avoid unnecessary handling of the product and do not return to the store, instead, safely dispose of the product.

WebsiteFood Standards Agency
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