About radiation events or emergencies
A radiation emergency is the release of radioactive material that may be harmful to health.
The most significant radiation risk for Jersey is if there is an accident at the French nuclear facilities close to us.
To assist with planning for nuclear and radiological emergencies, the Channel Islands jointly commissioned the UK Health Security Agency to review the potential nuclear risks to the populations of the Bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey.
This was completed in 2023 and the recommends to:​
- ​continue the programme of analysing marine environmental samples to provide reassurance
- consider plans to deal with radioactive releases to Channel Islands territorial waters
- continue engaging with French authorities on the safety of French nuclear sites and on emergency communications
- consider planning for the implementation of sheltering and stable iodine, if required, after a release of radioactive material into the air
- ​plan for communications following an emergency, particularly if no action is required. Plan for communicating with visitors to the Channel Islands
​Review of potential nuclear risks to the populations of the Bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey
The risk of this sort of emergency happening is extremely low, but we should be prepared and you should know what to do.
If a nuclear accident happens, some of the radioactive material could escape and affect areas downwind of it. In this case, the main risk to Islanders would be if very tiny radioactive particles released into the air. The particles could be carried by the wind and settle on people or objects people were in contact with. These tiny particles are unstable and give off radiation.
You could be exposed to radioactive particles by:
- inhaling contaminated air or gases
- having contact with contaminated surfaces
- eating or drinking contaminated food or water
- having direct exposure from particles as they are blown by the wind
Nuclear event scale
If an event or accident happens at a nuclear site, the public will quickly be told how serious it is, on a scale of 1 to 7.
A level 7 on the
International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) is a major accident. For an event under level 5, it's unlikely the public would be told to take action.
The levels are:
- 7: major accident (for example, Chernobyl)
- 6: serious accident
- 5: accident with off-site risks (for example, Three Mile Island and the Windscale fire)
- 4: accident mainly in installation
- 3: serious incident
- 2: incident
- 1: anomaly
- below scale: no safety significance
What radiation can do and how to stay safe
Radiation is a form of energy from natural or man-made sources and we’re exposed to it all the time. In some forms it can be harmful to humans and other living things because it can lead to biological effects such as cell changes. This can result in damage to organs or other long-term effects.
It’s possible that these changes may not show up until sometime after exposure to radiation.
The main way to stay safe if a radioactive accident happens is to stay inside with windows and doors closed. So none of the radioactive particles can reach you.
Public Health Protection in Radiation Emergencies on GOV.UK.
Emergency plans for radioactive accidents in Jersey
If there’s a nuclear emergency in Jersey, there’ll be an announcement on our website, social media and local media channels.
Follow the instructions that you’re given.
What you should do in a radiation emergency
The procedure in an emergency is simple, you should:
What to do in a radiation emergency
Go In
In a radiation emergency go indoors and:
- close all your doors and windows
- switch off fans, ventilation equipment or appliances such as central heating boilers and gas fires, which draw air from outside
- put out or damp down open fires
Stay In
Don’t go outside, where radiation could be higher, unless you’re told to. Make sure you:
- keep pets indoors, to stop them bringing possible contamination into the house
- if your children are at school, the school will look after them. Going to collect your children may expose you and them to radiation
Tune In
Keep reading, listening and watching the up to date information and advice we’ll publish on our website, media channels and social media.
Who you can call
Only call 999 if you have a health emergency. Do not call this number for general enquiries.
Don’t use your mobile or landline unless you urgently need help or advice as networks might be overloaded during an emergency. If you must make a call, keep it short.
Effects on food and drinks
It’s unlikely that tap water, food or drink that is covered or sealed, will be affected. Do not use food you grow in your garden unless picked before the emergency.
More advice and information on this will be given out as an incident progresses.
Advice will also be given to farmers, fishermen and other food producers.
When the immediate danger passes
You should keep listening and looking for announcements and updates on the news.
The Government will liaise with responding agencies to deal with the release of information. As soon as it’s completely safe to go outside again, we’ll announce it on local radio, television, and social media channels.
In the days following the emergency, health experts will carry out checks on the air, water and soil to make sure it continues to be safe. There’ll be more information on any further action you need to take in all news channels, including the newspapers. An information phone helpline will be made available.