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Calculating your land transaction tax

​Land Transaction Tax calculator

Use our calculator to work out how much land transaction tax you'll need to pay.

The calculator doesn't work on Apple prod​ucts without a copy of Microsoft Excel for Apple.​

Land Transaction Tax calculator

Rates for buying a share transfer property (transfer of ownership)

This is calculated on the market value of the shares purchased. The rate of duty varies depending on the value of the transaction.

Value of transaction

The value is the higher of:

  • the amount of the consideration
  • the gross value of the land

Standard rate

The standard charge is £90 plus an amount calculated per the standard land transaction tax rate bands:

Bands (£)Rate
0 to 50,0000.5% (subject to a minimum of £10)
50,000 to 300,0001.5%
300,000 to 500,0002%
500,000 to 700,0003%
700,000 to 1,000,0003.5%
1,000,000 to 1,500,0004.5%
1,500,000 to 2,000,0005.5%
2,000,000 to 3,000,0007.5%
​3,000,000 to 6,000,000​10%
​over 6,000,000​11%
​Example of standard rate transaction for the transfer of shares on a property with a value of £650,000

​£90 plus
​0 to 50,000
​50,000 to 300,000
​300,000 to 500,000
​500,000 to 650,000
​Total Land Transaction Tax 

Higher rate 

If you are buying a property to use as anything other than your main residence, you must pay the higher rate. 

Property developers acquiring a property as part of their stock are not required to pay the higher rate.

The higher rate is £90 plus an amount calculated per the higher land transaction tax bands:

​Bands (£)
​0 to 50,000
​3.5% (subject to a minimum of £10)
​50,000 to 300,000
​300,000 to 500,000
​500,000 to 700,000
​700,000 to 1,000,000
​1,000,000 to 1,500,000
​1,500,000 to 2,000,000
​2,000,000 to 3,000,000
​3,000,000 to 6,000,000
​over 6,000,000
Example of a higher rate transaction for the transfer of shares on a property with a value of £650,000​

​£90 plus
​0 to 50,000
​50,000 to 300,000
​300,000 to 500,000
​500,000 to 650,000
​Total Land Transaction Tax 

First-time buyers

To qualify as a first time buyer:

  1. the property must be for you to live in
  2. you must have a registration card showing you to be entitled (other than on grounds of wealth) or have an entitled spouse or civil partner with whom you are jointly purchasing the property
  3. you or your spouse or civil partner must have never owned or had an interest in any dwelling accommodation in Jersey or elsewhere

Residential statuses and what they mean (employment and careers section)

First time buyer transfer of ownership rates

If you qualify as a first-time buyer, you'll pay a reduced rate.

First time buyers are charged £90 plus an amount calculated using the following bands:

Bands (£)Rate
0 to 350,000
350,000 to 600,0001%
​600,000 to 700,000​Sliding scale of relief
​over 700,000Does not qualify for 'first time buyer' rate​
​Sliding scale formula for first time buyer transfers over £600,000:
Standard rate for the whole amount but then reduced by 8,500 - ((V-600,000) × 8.5%) where 'V' is the value of the transaction.

​Example of a first-time buyer for the transfer of shares on a property value of £425,000
​£90 plus
​0 to 350,000
​350,000 to 425,000
​Total Land Transaction Tax due

Example of first-time buyer for the transfer of shares on a property with a value of £620,000​ ​
£90​ plus
Standard rate charge on £620,000​£11,600​

Reduced by

8,500 - ((620,000 - 600,000) × 8.5%)​



Total Land Transaction Tax due​

Rates for taking out a secured loan against a share transfer property (creation of security interest)

This is calculated on the amount you borrow or, if you re-mortgage, the amount of additional borrowing secured against the shares of the company. 

Standard rate

Security interest agreements are charged at a standard rate of £90 plus 0.5% of the amount secured by the security agreement, subject to a minimum of £5.

Low value residential property

If you are taking out a loan on a property which has a value of £700,000 or less and you are, or will be living in that property, a lower land transaction rate will apply. 

Security interest is charged at £90 plus an amount calculated using the following bands:

Bands (£)
0 to 600,000
600,000 to 700,000% tapering to a maximum of 0.5%
Property gross value over 700,000

Does not qualify for lower rate

​Tapering rate formula as follows: 0.5% × ((Y - 600,000) / 100,000) where Y is the value of the property.

​Example​ of a low value residential property transaction where the value of the property is £650,000 and the mortgage is £500,000

​£90 plus
​0.5% × ((650,000 - 600,000) / 100,000) =
​Mortgage £500,000 × 0.25% =
​Total Land Transaction Tax due

Other transactions

Changing from sole ownership to joint ownership (matrimonial home LTT rate)

Land transaction tax (LTT) is reduced to a flat rate when the transaction relates to the transfer of shares (either joint ownership to sole or vice versa) to a matrimonial home. The interpretation of 'matrimonial home' also includes civil partnerships.

The LTT rate in these circumstances is £90.

If you are not married or in a civil partnership, but have lived together you may be covered by concession.

Land transaction tax concessions and practice

Changing from sole ownership to joint ownership LTT rate (non-matrimonial home LTT rate)

If a transaction relates to the transfer of shares from sole ownership into joint ownership, or joint ownership into sole ownership, but the property is not a matrimonial home, then the value of the transaction is the amount of consideration for it or, if one half of the gross value of the land exceeds such consideration, one half of the gross value of the land at the standard rate.​

Charitable occupier or secured party LTT rate

When an occupier or secured party qualifies for exemption from income tax as a charity, the LTT rate is £180.​

In order for an organisation to qualify as a charity, the charity must be registered with the Charity Commissioner and be exempt from income tax under the provisions of Article 115(a) or 115(aa) of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961.

Applying for charity tax exemption

Devolution of a deceased person's estate

Where a land transaction is for the transfer of shares in the devolution of a deceased person's estate, LTT is £90.

​Group transactions

​​​Where transactions are between companies in the same group, LTT is £180. A group is any company and a subsidiary that it controls. Control is defined as any of the following:

  • ​h​olding 75% or more of the shares
  • possessing ​75% or more of the voting rights for the controlled company
  • holding 75% or more of the powers in the articles of association.

In addition, the controlling company must be entitled to 75% or more of the profits of the controlled company.​​​

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