​​​​When to use the ceased trading form
Complete the form below if your business has completely ceased trading and will no longer operate in any capacity.
Tell us that your business has ceased t​rading​
If your business will continue to operate but you wish to de-register for GST or de-register as an employer then email:
- GST at GST@gov.je with your GST registration number stating you wish to de-register
- ITIS at itistax@gov.je and copy in sscontributions@gov.je with your employer tax reference number and social security employer code stating you wish to de-register
Who your data will be shared with
Information you provide will be securely shared with:
- Business Licensing to cancel your business licence
- Revenue Jersey to de-register you for GST and close your employer Social Security and ITIS records, if any, and assess any final payments
What you need to complete the form
To complete the form, you’ll need:
- your business details including your business name, trading names (if any) and undertaking reference. These are found on your business licence
- the date you ceased trading
- your GST registration number if you’re registered for GST
If you’re an employer, you’ll also need:
- your Social Security employer code, and the tax identification number (TIN) you use when submitting Combined Employer Returns (CER). For Limited companies this is your company Tax Identification Number (TIN), for partnerships this is your partnership TIN, for sole traders this is your personal TIN
- the final date that you employed staff
This information in this cessation of trading notification will be shared with other States of Jersey departments​ as disclosed in the data sharing agreement (see below).
Any personal information, including individuals' contact details, is confidential and is protected by the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005.
Any information about the business is used and managed pursuant to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 and the legal obligations of those other departments with which it is shared.