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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Relocating to Jersey as a doctor

​Cost of moving to Jersey

We can help with the cost of moving to Jersey.

Once you have been offered a substantive position with us, we can provide:

  • a visit here for you, your partner and your children so you can search for accommodation
  • relocation costs of up to £8,000 (in line with the relocation agreement)
  • the information you'll need to get a quote with our removals company

Customs and Immigration can also help you with any questions or concerns about declaring your vehicle or household goods. 

​Email Customs and Immigration​

Moving to Jersey with your motor vehicle

Moving to Jersey

Pet travel scheme (PETS)

Cost of living in Jersey

Prices are broadly similar to those in the UK, with certain items being more highly priced to reflect the cost of transport to Jersey.

Other items are cheaper as we have no VAT and a low level of excise duty in the Island.

Housing and food can be more expensive than in most parts of the UK.

A Goods and Service Tax (GST) of 5% is paid on all goods and services.

Location of Jersey

Jersey sits in the bay of St Malo, 19 miles from the coast of France and 85 miles from the south coast of England.

Jersey facts and figures

Getting back to the UK

We have transport links to all major cities in the UK, with London only a 40 minute flight away.

You can also travel to France and other Channel Islands by sea or by air.

Jersey Airport website

Condor Ferries website


We have a limited amount of hospital accommodation and it is subject to availability.

Hospital accommodation is usually for junior or fixed term appointments.

You can find out more by contacting the accommodation department on +44 (0) 1534 442171.

Renting or buying your own home

As a substantive doctor, you'll be given 'licensed' status which will let you rent or buy any 'qualified' housing, as long as it's not restricted to first-time buyers or social ho​using.

You can buy a property in your own name, but you must get a registration card first from the Customer Hub at Union Street​ confirming your 'licensed' status.

If you have a fixed term contract, you'll have a 'registered' housing status.

We can help you with any housing enquiries.

Contact the Customer Hub

Becoming a Jersey resident

Moving house or job (registration cards)

Renting or buying a property

List of estate agents (private rental)


There's plenty of suitable childcare on the Island, including:

  • nurseries
  • registered child minders
  • pre-schools
  • nannies
  • school holiday clubs
  • after-school facilities

Children and childcare

Free nursery education

In the academic year before your child starts reception class in school, your child is entitled to 20 hours per week of free nursery education (during term time only).

Free early learning for your child


Your spouse / partner (substantive posts only)

Your husband or wife can work in any private or public sector post in Jersey.

If you're not married and your partner wants to apply for a job where they must have lived in Jersey for the last five years, they can submit an application to the Customer Hub. They will need to provide documents addressed in both your names to prove that you have been in a permanent relationship and living in the same household for the last three years.

If you can't provide all documents in joint names for the whole three year period, documents addressed to each other might be acceptable if they show the same address.

Your partner will have a 'registered' status, but we might be able to support an application if an employer wants to employ your partner into a category other than ‘registered’.

However, this will depend on the nature of the job and the employer showing that they can’t employ a locally qualified person in the role.

Contact the Medical Staffing department or the Customer Hub if you need help.

Jobs in Jersey

Contact the Customer Hub

Email Medical Staffing

Healthcare (prescriptions and doctors fees)

For the first six months after you arrive in Jersey, you'll have to pay GP visits and prescriptions.

After six months, you'll be able to apply for your ​​Social Security health card which will give you a discount of £20.28 at your GP's surgery. Most prescriptions will be free.

Doctors (GPs), dentists and pharmacists

Doctors (GPs) fees, prescriptions and health cards

Health and wellbeing

Driving in Jersey

Vehicles are driven on the left hand side of the road as in the UK.

MOT and car tax doesn’t exist in Jersey.

Existing UK road tax can be claimed back pro-rata from your UK local authority. Vehicle insurance discs must be displayed on the vehicle. The maximum speed limit on Jersey is 40 mph.

Find out information about changing your number plate and driving licence below.


Jersey currency

Our currency is slightly different to the UK.

You can use UK currency in Jersey, but you can't use Jersey currency in the UK.

Jersey currency

Things to do in Jersey

Jersey has plenty of attractions, shops, bars and restaurants.

There are over 50 miles of Jersey coastline and the bathing waters are some of the cleanest in Europe.

There are 96 miles of paths dedicated to cycling and walking, including coastal, cliff, woodland, valley and reservoir walks.

Jersey is also rich in historical sites and places of interest, including Mont Orgueil castle, Elizabeth castle and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Park.​

There is also a bowling alley and a 10 screen cinema complex.

What's on

Jersey Tourism website

Jersey Heritage website

The National Trust for Jersey website

Jersey Opera House website

Jersey Arts Centre website

Sports facilities

We have great indoor sporting facilities and a wide range of outdoor sports clubs, including:

  • surfing
  • kayaking
  • tennis
  • sailing
  • horse-riding
  • martial arts
  • yoga


Directory of sports clubs

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