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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Incapacity Pension

​About Incapacity Pension

Incapacity Pension is paid to make up for the loss of earnings to people who, because of illness or injury, are unlikely to ever work again. Incapacity Pension is payable up to pension age.

No work of any kind is allowed whilst on this benefit.

Only a very small number of people tend to be given this benefit. Medical assessment doctors must be confident that a person will not work again and that their condition will never improve. 

How to claim Incapacity Pension

Incapacity Pension is not a benefit that you can apply for. Instead, our medical assessment doctors will decide whether you qualify for it.

If you have applied for Long Term Incapacity Allowance and are attending the department for a medical assessment, the doctors will assess you and if they think that you will never be well enough to work again and that your condition will not change or get better in the future, they will recommend you for Incapacity Pension. 

If you're physically unable to attend a medical assessment, plans can be made for a doctor to visit you at home.

Medical assessments for Social Security benefits

How much you'll receive

How much you receive for your claim is worked out by adding up all the contributions that you have paid or been credited with since you very first registered with Jersey Social Security. Contribution credits to cover you up to the month before you reach pension age will also be added. We can then work out the rate of Incapacity Pension you will receive.

To get 100% Incapacity Pension your contribution record, including your future contribution credits, must total 45 years. If your contribution record is 80% full you will get 80% of the standard rate of Incapacity Pension.

The current standard (100%) weekly rate of benefit is £283.01 per week.

How Incapacity Pension is paid

Incapacity Pension will be paid in advance, every 4 weeks on a Thursday.

The payment will be made directly to your bank account. If you do not have a bank account,​ contact us.

Medical certificates

Once you have been assessed for Incapacity Pension you will no longer have to hand in medical certificates.

Affect on other benefits 

Two payments from Social Security funds can't always be made for the same period.

You must tell us if you're receiving Social Security benefits from any other country when you complete your claim form.

Claiming an increase of Incapacity Pension for your wife

You may claim an increase on behalf of your wife providing:

  • your wife is under pension age
  • your date of marriage was before 1 April 2001
  • your wife is living with you or is mainly maintained by you

This increase may not be payable if your wife is claiming another Social Security benefit in her own right.

Incapacity Pension to be paid to an agent or authority

If you need any of your Incapacity Pension to be paid to an agent or authority to receive payments on your behalf, you need to complete the form below.

You can also get a copy for us at Customer and Local Services.

Application for payment to an agent or authority form

If you’d like somebody to speak to us about your claim on your behalf

If you’d like somebody to speak to us about your claim on your behalf, complete the form below.

You can also pick-up a copy at Customer and Local Services.

Authority to disclose information form

Returning to work

If you return to work you must notify us immediately. Your Incapacity Pension would cease but you may still be entitled to Long Term Incapacity Allowance. 

Changes in your circumstances

You must tell us:

  • if you change address
  • if your bank account changes
  • in advance if you plan to leave Jersey, indicating the country you intend to visit
  • if you go to prison as your benefit cannot be paid for any part of a prison sentence
  • if there are any changes in your circumstances that would affect the payment of benefit in respect of your wife
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