Supporting children learning to talk
The Language for Life strategy recognises the importance of developing a child’s early language and communication skills.
The strategy supports children’s language development from birth to five years old by:
providing training, developed by the Speech and Language Therapy Service, for early years practitioners
offering booklets to new parents: ‘Small Talk’ describes how you can support your child’s language skills
'Small Talk' guide to learning to talk
The aim of Language for Life
The Language for Life strategy has four main objectives:
- for agencies to share an understanding of speech, language and communication development
- to create a children’s workforce that is skilled and confident in supporting the speech, language and communication development and needs of children
- to identify needs early on and provide specialist intervention when required
- to create a co-ordinated approach in supporting parents to promote their child’s speech, language and communication development from birth
Who is involved
Language for Life is a partnership between parents, States of Jersey departments and the private and third sectors.
Participating agencies include:
Health and Social Services
Education, Sport and Culture
Family Nursing and Home Care
the Early Years and Childcare Partnership
the Jersey Child Care Trust
the Bridge
NSPCC Pathways
private and public sector childcare and early years education settings