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Consultation on tree protection legislation review

DepartmentInfrastructure and Environment
Start date22/03/2022
End date11/04/2022
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments11/04/2022

About the consultation

The draft Jersey Tree Strategy, which is being developed in consultation with stakeholders, recognises that trees provide social, economic, environmental and climate change value, but notes that there are threats to Jersey's trees including a lack of protection, development, and damage and removal by property owners.

The Tree Protection Legislation Review undertaken by ARUP in 2021 identified the protections given to trees across other neighbouring or similar jurisdictions and provided a series of recommendations for Government.

The principal recommendations in the ARUP report are to amend Jersey's Planning and Building Laws, so that a blanket level of protection is provided to all Jersey's trees, and to provide comprehensive, clear and reasonable level of exemptions.

Amendments to the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 will serve to provide the necessary protections to trees in Jersey, in line with the protections offered in peri-urban environments in similar jurisdictions, by adding operations to or involving trees to the meaning of development.

We are drafting an Order to make operable these protections for trees by providing exemptions for specific categories of trees, and specific operations on trees, and by providing a simplified notification system for all other cases.  The simplified notification system will introduce a two-month period between receipt of a valid application for works on a tree, and approval of that application. 

ARUP Reveiw of Tree Protection Legislation

IHE Privacy Policy Retention Schedule 

How to submit comments to the consultation

Tree Protection Survey

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