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Health and Care Jersey: Financial Recovery Plan (FRP)

​​​About the Financial Recovery Programme (FRP)

The FRP is a recovery plan that describes how Health and Care Jersey (HCJ) will deliver savings and value for money, whilst continuing to improve the quality of care and maintaining key services including:

  • cancer services
  • mental health placements
  • off-island care
  • expansion beds
  • high-cost drugs and social care packages

The FRP aims to find areas where we can improve efficiency and services, to help reduce costs, and increase income. 

These savings will take time, and not all costs that are outside the direct control of HCJ can be resolved without impacting healthcare services and patients. 

Plan and delivery

This plan will take 3 years and details all the schemes and how we will deliver £25m of efficiency savings and income improvements:

  • £3m the current financial year
  • £12m in FY24
  • £10m FY25 

The FRP has a set of core values that combine:

  • patient focused quality improvement
  • financial recovery
  • clinical, staff and stakeholder engagement
  • teamwork
  • inclusive leadership 

We’ve worked with clinicians and staff to co-develop the FRP. 

The plan is jointly owned by the executive leads, care group leadership teams, clinicians (doctors, nurses) and operational staff.

Read the Health and Care Jersey Financial Recovery Plan

Read the Financial Recovery Plan blog

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