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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Patients and Users’ public engagement panel

​About the Panel

The Health and Care Jersey (HCJ) Patients and Users’ public engagement panel is a voluntary group made of members of the public who work in partnership with HCJ to help improve services and experiences.

This is the first HCJ Patients and Users’ public engagement panel and its main aims are to inform:

  • ways in which patients’ experiences can be improved and enhanced
  • services HCJ provides and propose any changes that can be made
  • the future priorities of the department
  • questions for wider and regular patient surveys
  • overall patient engagement and communication

As a Panel member you’ll also be able to give constructive and meaningful feedback to the department, contribute ideas and make suggestions for improvements.

The Panel will aim to meet at least 4 times a year, but could be more depending on need. You’ll be able to consider and discuss questions, proposals and ideas presented by HCJ, and contribute to the Panel’s own suggestions and recommendations.

Who can join the Panel

To qualify for the panel, you need to:

  • be a permanent resident in Jersey
  • be aged 18 or over
  • have been a user of HCJ services in the past 18 months

You cannot join the Panel if you're:

  • an HCJ employee
  • a patient or former patient who is currently involved in a formal dispute with HCJ
  • a patient or former patient who has an unresolved complaint with HCJ

You should also have a genuine and positive interest in constructively contributing to improve our patient services and experiences.

If you’re interested in joining Jersey’s first Patients and Users’ Panel, email In your email provide:

  • your name
  • your age
  • parish you live in
  • your email
  • your phone number
  • a brief explanation on why you’d like to be part of the panel
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