​Jersey Coastal National Park
The Coastal National Park embraces all those parts of the Island that are of highly sensitive and valuable landscape quality which are vulnerable to change and damage, and warrant the highest level of protection against development.
It was established to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of Jersey's special areas and to give everyone the opportunity to understand and enjoy its qualities.
The Park encompasses some 1,925 hectares of Jersey's:
- southwest headlands
- St Ouen's Bay
- large parts of the north coast
- St Catherine's Bay
- parts of Grouville Bay
- the offshore reefs and islets of the Ecrehous and the Minquiers
Management plan
With planning policy defining the extent of the Park's boundary, a commitment was made in the 2011 Island Plan by the Minister for the Environment to develop and adopt a management plan for the Park. This is recognition that the Park embraces both living and working landscapes where many of the characteristic qualities are as much the result of human activities, particularly farming, as of natural forces.
The Department of the Environment recently hosted a stakeholder engagement process involving individuals, community, amenity, business and special interest groups to help develop the management plan.
Jersey Coastal National Park management plan
Jersey Coastal National Park draft action plan
Interim Working Group (IWG)
These reflect the wishes of the broad stakeholder group that was involved in the recent engagement process. The primary role is to ensure the finalisation of the Management Plan and Action Plan for the Jersey Coastal National Park, the aim being to meet the purposes for which the Park was designated and provide some context to planning policy as represented in the 2011 Island Plan. Other key objectives for the Park include:
- establishing a brand image
- raising awareness
- launching the Coastal National Park plans
- ensuring a smooth transition to a long term Coastal National Park Group
Role of CNP group and interim working group
The IWG consists of a broad range of representatives whose primary purpose is to ensure that the wishes of the stakeholders as documented during the engagement process are acted upon.
Meeting minutes
Minutes 13 October 2015
Minutes 7 September 2015
Minutes 30 July 2015
Minutes 6 July 2015
Minutes 10 March 2015
Minutes 9 Feb​ruary 2015
Minutes 8 December 2014
Minutes 10 November 2014
Minutes 13 October 2014
Minutes 8 September 2104
Minutes 4 August 2014
Key information about the Jersey Coastal National Park, J. Blamey
Key objectives of the Jersey Coastal National Park
My volunteering role, J Blamey
Protected areas, A Terry
Status of UK parks
Jersey Coastal National Park: Making a difference report