07 October 2022
The Health and Safety Inspectorate (HSI) would like to remind all Health and Safety Project Coordinators (HSPC) of their duty to prepare and update the health and safety file at the end of a construction project under Regulation 8(g) of the
Health and Safety (Management in Construction) (Jersey) Regulations 2016 on Jersey Law (Construction Regulations).
This requirement is explicit within the HSPC’s duties within the Construction Regulations Further guidance is given in Appendix 3 of the guidance to the Regulations published by the Health and Safety Inspectorate.
While the HSPC may be able to delegate some aspects of the work to a third party, such as the Principal Contractor or an independent consultant, the HSPC retains the ultimate responsibility to make sure a suitable and sufficient health and safety file is prepared and maintained.
Appendix 3 gives guidance on the preparation, provision and retention of the health and safety file which should be prepared by the HSPC, or principal contractor on minor projects. The file should have information about the project likely to be needed to make sure any subsequent work on the building or structure, such as maintenance, cleaning, alterations, refurbishment, or demolition can be carried out safely. The appendix has examples of the types of information that may be relevant for inclusion in a health and safety file and examples of things which are unlikely to be relevant.
Find further guidance on the Construction Regulations on:
You can also call the Inspectorate on +44 (0) 1534 447300.