26 October 2017
In 2016, there were 854 claimants of Social Security short term incapacity benefit due to work-related ill health, further details on their ill health were returned from 29% of those claimants. Of those, stress accounted for 61 % with just over a quarter coming from the finance sector.
However work-related stress can affect anyone, at any level of a business, and is not confined to specific jobs or industries.
Stress can occur when an employee is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them, causing high levels of sickness absence and staff turnover.
Find out more about work-related stress, ideas on how to raise the topic with your employees and provide support.
National stress awareness day on the ISMA website
Create a stress awareness space at your workplace MIND website
Taking care of your staff on the MIND website
What is stress? on the UK HSE website
Information for line managers about work related stress on the UK HSE website
Advice on bullying and harassment on the UK HSE website