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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Baby feetBaby feet

​​​​Changing your child's name or their birth registration

You can apply to change your child's name or update their birth registration if: 

  • ​you want to add or change your child's name, you can do this within the first year of their birth
  • you and your partner marry after your child's birth, you must re-register the child. When doing this, you can also update the child's surname and add or remove forenames
  • your child's birth was originally registered without the father's details, you and the father can jointly apply to re-register the birth and add his details

To change your child's name both parents need to make an appointment with the Office of the Superintendent Registrar and take:

  • a completed application to register a birth form
  • your child's original birth certificate
  • your own ID
  • your marriage certificate, if applicable
  • a fee of £93.83, this includes £33.12​ for a replacement birth certificate

You'll be asked to complete and sign the form relating to the type of application you are making. You can order a new certificate for your child.

Any fees paid to the Superintendent Registrar are non-refundable.

Home Births

The Office of the Superintendent Registrar is now registering all births across the Island, including home births.​

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