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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of gold wedding ring placed on open bookPhoto of gold wedding ring placed on open book

​​​​​​​​Name change checklist after marriage

It's not a legal requirement in Jersey for you to change your surname after marriage. If you want to change your surname after you get married, you will need to contact the following departments so that they can update your details:

Employment, Social Security and Housing

You can change your name with Employment, Social Security and Housing by emailing customers​​.

We'll need:

  • your Social Security number
  • written confirmation of your new name and that you want your records updated to that name
  • a copy of your marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate

You can also visit Customer Hub at Union Street with a copy of your marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate.

Revenue Jersey

You'll need to tell Revenue Jersey by completing the Personal tax enquiry online form.

Personal Tax enquiry form

Married persons tax information

Separate tax assessments for married couples and civil partnerships


You can get a new passport in your new name after the ceremony.

Changing a name in y​our passport

Your local parish hall

You must notify your parish if you change your name. Visit your local parish hall with your marriage certificate.

If you have a driving licence, you will need to apply for a new one in your new name.

You can do this at your local parish hall or you can do it online. You will need the following:

  • a colour photograph
  • your current driving licence
  • your marriage certificate

Parishes we​bsite

Driver and vehicle standards (DVS)

Fill in your new name and sign box 1 on the reverse side of your vehicle registration document and take it to DVS.

You'll have to show a copy of your marriage certificate at the time of presenting your vehicle registration document.

A new document will be sent to you by post.

This service is free.

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