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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of gold wedding ring placed on open bookPhoto of gold wedding ring placed on open book

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Office of the Superintendent Registrar (OSIR) allows only 10 guests in the Ceremony Room for Registry Office wedding. To include others who couldn’t attend, you can live stream your wedding.

This live stream is private and can only be accessed by invited guests with a password provided to you. It is not recorded or saved.

The OSIR takes necessary steps to protect the stream from unauthorised access.

How to book and access the live stream for your ceremony

Our live streaming service costs £55.19, payable when you book. When you apply to get married you can also book to have a live stream of your ceromony, the latest you can book to have a live stream of your ceremony is when you give notice to marry.

Once your booking is confirmed, you’ll receive​ a link and password to share with your guests.

The live stream will start about 5 minutes before the ceremony begins and end when the ceremony finishes.​

​Live ceremony stream instructions​

To begin streaming the ceremony, enter the password provided to you and select 'Submit'. The stream will start automatically.​​​


​​​​​​​Privacy statement

This privacy statement informs you of our privacy practices as a controller when live-streaming marriage and civil partnership ceremonies in The Ceremony Room​ at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar (OSIR). ​

As requested by the couple wh​o are marrying or having a civil partnership, the ceremony is being live streamed. This is a private stream and is offered on a pay per view basis. It is only accessed when provided with the link and associated password. 

The OSIR maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures designed to protect the stream from unauthorised access. 

The stream is not recorded or retained. 

If you have any questions or conce​rns about this contact the Governance team on

See our privacy policy The Office of the Superintendent Registrar privacy policy for more detailed information.​​​​​

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