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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Shipping of recycling (FOI)

Shipping of recycling (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 27 September 2018.


Cardboard, plastic bottles and paper that are collected for recycling on the Island are shipped to the UK, what does this generate in financial terms for the Island and do the States of Jersey subsidize this service and if so to what extent.


1. The shipment of cardboard, plastic bottles and paper for recycling is not exclusive to the States of Jersey. Other companies or organisations are free to collect and ship materials for recycling.

2. The States of Jersey is presently in contract to a recycling firm to undertake this process on its behalf. This recycling contractor was successfully appointed following an open tender process.

The recycling contractor is given a “Receiving and Bailing” fee for each tonne of dry recyclable material that is delivered to them.

The price achieved for recycled materials can fluctuate up and down and is subject to UK and world recycling market trends.

3. The export (transport and recycling) is financially managed according to a “financial mechanism” based on the market for each dry recyclable material.

This mechanism has been put in place to secure the routes for recycling and to prevent the contractor from being forced to withdraw the service if there is a downturn in the recycling markets.

In 2017 the States of Jersey appointed Dry Recyclables Contractor received, baled and exported 4,865 tonnes of dry recyclables at a cost of £133,700.

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