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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Patients attending the Urologist (FOI)

Patients attending the Urologist (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 03 September 2019.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Please supply the number of residents by Parish, who are currently attending the Urologist at the General Hospital for bladder problems.

If the information is available, please supply the same by Parish of those who are attending their GP for bladder problems.


The address data are held in a live database table that only holds the most current (i.e. latest provided) value of a patient address (the postcode would determine the patient’s Parish of residence).


​Total open episodes

​St Brelade​256
​St Clement​225
​St Helier​690
​St John​64
​St Lawrence​118
​St Martin​89
​St Mary​31
​St Ouen​86
​St Peter ​129
​St Saviour​313
​Parish Not Known ​59

An outpatient episode usually consists of multiple appointments. An episode is open unless it is discharged or cancelled and indicates more appointments will occur in the future. The table counts the total number of open Urology episodes on the hospital patient management system. The number of open episodes on the system may differ from the number of current patients if episodes were not discharged correctly.

Episodes have been allocated to the Parish of the last known address of the patient. Please note that this does not necessarily indicate the patient was resident in that Parish at the time of their appointment. The address field is overwritten if the patient provides HCS with a new address.

It has been estimated that to review each patient’s file to assess if an episode should have been discharged would exceed the time limit under the Freedom of Information (Costs) (Jersey) Regulations 2014.

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