Coronavirus helpline (FOI)Coronavirus helpline (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
15 May 2020.Prepared internally, no external costs.
What information is being collated from the Coronavirus helpline? When will that data be presented to the public? How is that data being used to inform the Government’s understanding of the progress of the virus.
For example; location, job, age, underlying health conditions, symptoms, EAL (English as an additional Language)
What percentage of callers to the Coronavirus helpline require an answer in a language other than English?
If someone telephones the line and is not able to speak English, what languages are available
All data is completed into HCS systems using a systematic approach ie name, date of birth (DOB), Address, GP, previous conditions, symptoms and date of onset, and if the patient needs swabbing. This is then sub divided into swabbing station or home visit.
All calls put through to the health helpline are logged this way. This data will not be made public. Data is extrapolated by the statistics team not the helpline.
The exact information is not held however numbers are low.
The helpline team use the Big Word translation service to interpret if required. The main languages required are Romanian and Portuguese.