Digital Jersey salary, rent and connectivity costs 2014 (FOI)Digital Jersey salary, rent and connectivity costs 2014 (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by States of Jersey and published on
16 January 2015.Prepared internally, no external costs.
I would like to know the breakdown of costs for Digital Jersey for the year 2014, namely the wages paid to the staff of Digital Jersey (permanent and temporary), cost of rent and the cost of IT/connectivity.
Digital Jersey salaries (total): £275,016.25
Broken down as:
- permanent: £268,647.57
- temporary: £6,369.68
- consultants project delivery: £65,463.96
- cost of rent: £86,584.91
- cost of IT / connectivity / telephone: £51,751.91
Please note: financials refer to year ending 31 December 2014 and are un-audited at this time.