Cost associated with the new hospital site (FOI)Cost associated with the new hospital site (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
13 January 2021.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Could you please advise what is the total amount spent to date on the new hospital project?
Could you please split this total between monies spent prior to the decision to proceed with Overdale and how much has been spent to date connected directly to the Overdale project?
Could you advise also what fixed or variable amounts are currently committed on a monthly basis ie the amounts that are being regularly paid split between staff and other costs.
The following information reflects the Our Hospital Project costs as at 30 November 2020.
Our Hospital Project costs to the end of November 2020 - £9,212,200
The decision to proceed with Overdale took place on 17 November. Minimal spend has been undertaken up to November which can be specifically allocated to Overdale activities as at end November.
Overall Project spend Overdale - £9,192,700
Specific to Overdale as Preferred Site - £19,500
No costs on the Our Hospital project are assumed to be fixed. Other spend per month varies dependent on the activities scheduled to be undertaken so there is not a set monthly figure. The average monthly anticipated cost from January 2021 to June 2021 is as follows:
Project team staff costs - £143,800
Other costs - £2,239,800
The information provided above relates to the current “Our Hospital” project.
The costs incurred relating to the previous “Future Hospital” project. can be viewed at the following link:
Hospital project costs (FOI)