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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Health and Community Services Risk register (FOI)

Health and Community Services Risk register (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 16 February 2021.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Could you please provide a full up-to-date copy of the risk register for Health and Community Services?


Following the request for access to the Health and Community Services (HCS) Risk Register, it was decided that work should be carried out to prepare the HCS risk register for regular publication.  

HCS proposed that a date be set for the publication, and exempt due to it being published at a later date. This would have enabled the work required to be undertaken to the Register, such as applying the relevant exemptions. Unfortunately, when HCS were required to steer focus to the response to Covid-19, the resource for this piece of work was not available and so it was not possible to use this exemption.

There is a significant amount of work to be done prior to publication, including development work with the system supplier to enable the logging of exemptions against each risk for reporting purposes. Therefore, it is exempt from disclosure, as it would have taken more than 12.5 hours to undertake the work required to prepare for disclosure.

The latest QPR report (14 September 2020) states that the “risk register holds 357 live risks of which 43 are COVID risks, six relate to the impact of the Test and Trace Programme on HCS, Jersey Nightingale Wing 18 risks”.

More information relating to risks can be found in the published minutes and Board Packs for the Health and Community Services Board.

HCS do hope that the Risk Register will be made publicly available, at regular intervals, in the future, so that HCS can be transparent in the manner in which it mitigates risks and identifies the risks relating to its services. However, this is not work that can be currently resourced.

Article applied

Article 16 A scheduled public authority may refuse to supply information if cost excessive

(1) A scheduled public authority that has been requested to supply information may refuse to supply the information if it estimates that the cost of doing so would exceed an amount determined in the manner prescribed by Regulations.

Regulation 2 (1) of the Freedom of Information (Costs) (Jersey) Regulations 2014 allows an authority to refuse a request for information where the estimated cost of dealing with the request would exceed the specified amount of the cost limit of ÂŁ500. This is the estimated cost of one person spending 12.5 working hours in determining whether the department holds the information, locating, retrieving and extracting the information.

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