Association with the Gates Foundation (FOI)Association with the Gates Foundation (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
16 July 2021.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Are any politicians, government and hospital workers, including but not limited to, contract / permanent / temp staff, working on the 'covid-19 response' or presenting the information to the public associated with or employed directly or indirectly by organisations who have been financially funded by the Gates Foundation.
Do any have financial links to the vaccine industry, including but not limited to, stocks and shares, either in their own name or in a family members name or a company.
We are not aware of any employees, officers, members or representatives of the Government or States of Jersey that have declared a financial interest relating to vaccine production and the Gates Foundation.
States Assembly Members, including Ministers, are required to register and declare their interests and registered interests are available to the public through the States Assembly website.
The Annual Report and Accounts refer to ‘Related Party Transactions’ (page 327 in 2020) which provides details of all financial transactions with entities identified as 'related parties' through their relationship with Directors (Executive Leadership Team) or Ministers and Assistant Ministers.
States reports search results
The employee Code of Conduct refers to ‘Honesty’ (page 2) and ‘Conflicts of Interest’ (page 5). Employees must draw any potential conflict to their manager’s attention in order that a decision may be taken on how to proceed.
Employee Code of Conduct on
The Government does not hold any information of any officers or members working or representing the Government of States of Jersey regarding personal investments in stocks and shares, investment funds, ISAs, trust funds and so on, that would be directly or indirectly affiliated or associated with the pharmaceutical industry including the development and distribution of vaccines or the Gates Foundation, unless declared through the processes outlined above.