Mention of a Dr Montrose in STAC minutes (FOI)Mention of a Dr Montrose in STAC minutes (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
26 July 2021.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Minutes of government’s Scientific and Technical Committee refer to a Dr Montrose advocating his view that Islanders were close to achieving ‘herd immunity’?
By what process was Dr Montrose appointed as an adviser to STAC please?
Was the role publicly advertised?
Was he nominated or proposed for the role by any Minister, civil servant or States Member?
A to C
Dr Root has been a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC) throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. He is the founding Director of Montrose, a specialist public health consultancy based in Jersey.
Dr Root holds a PhD in Epidemiology and provides his assistance to STAC in a voluntary capacity. STAC is part of Jersey's standing emergency response structure and the Cell is convened by Public Health as required. Membership is determined by Public Health, usually at very short notice. As such, the Director General for Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance has overall responsibility for the composition and functioning of STAC, working closely with the Chair of STAC during active phases of the Cell. The membership of STAC is intended to bring together a range of scientific and technical perspectives, providing a safe space to debate live issues and help ensure that policy / operational advice and decisions made during emergencies are informed by a range of health, scientific and technical expertise. Ministers and other decision makers will assess a range of advice and evidence presented to them, combined with their own experience and judgement, to make decisions during emergencies.
The full STAC Terms of Reference (including Membership) can be found via the following link:
STAC Terms of Reference