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GCSE and CAT results 2014 (FOI)

GCSE and CAT results 2014 (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 16 November 2015.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Is it possible for you to supply me with the following information?


The percentage five A* to C grades (including Maths & English) for all secondary schools on Jersey (including all fee paying schools)


The average CAT score in each of the secondary schools (including the fee paying schools) of the year 11 cohort who took their GCSE exams in 2015 (a list of each CAT score with names removed would be preferred)


The value added score in each of the secondary schools (including the fee paying schools) of the year eleven cohort who took their GCSE exams in 2015.



Since 2013, the UK Department for Education (DfE) has introduced significant changes to the methodology used for calculating KS4 accountability measures with amendments occurring in each year. In 2014, ESC in Jersey calculated KS4 results for Jersey according to several different methodologies in order to explore the potential impact of UK reforms on performance measures. If GCSE results, previously published on school websites, do not match those presented below it is likely that a different methodology has been applied.

*Results below have been calculated according to UK DfE (2013) methodology

* GCSE results for 2015 will not be available until March 2016

% of pupils attaining five or more A* to C grades in GCSE and equivalent examinations including English and Maths​

Haute Vallée22.0

Jersey College for Girls


Le Rocquier45.0
Les Quennevais35.3
Victoria College95.1


The average year nine CAT score (Mean Standardised Age Score) of the year eleven cohort who took their exams in 2014 (anonymised raw data is below) by school

Average year nine CAT score (Mean SAS) ​
Haute Vallée97
Jersey College for Girls115
Le Rocquier99
Les Quennevais97
Victoria College117

 Download CAT scores 2014 (size 31.9kb)


Best eight Value Added score and 95% confidence interval, by school; 2014

The purpose of Value Added (VA) measures are to look at how much progress pupils have made between the end of KS2 and the end of KS4. Best eight VA scores presented below have been calculated using UK DfE (2013) methodology.

To calculate ‘Value Added’, an estimated outcome for each pupil at the end of KS4 is compared to their actual performance in KS4 examinations. Estimated outcomes have been established by the UK DfE by looking at the actual KS4 performance of all pupils in England and working out the average KS4 points achieved by pupils nationally of similar ability at the end of KS2. These KS4 “estimated outcomes” can then be compared against what pupils actually achieve in KS4 examinations. The difference between a pupil’s actual KS4 performance and their estimated KS4 performance gives each pupil their VA score. The average VA score for all pupils in a school can then be calculated to find a school’s VA score, which helps to identify schools whose pupils make more progress or less progress than average.

* Best eight Value Added results for 2015 will not be available until March 2016

*Confidence intervals provide an indication of certainty ie a 95% confidence interval
is a range of values that you can be 95% certain contains the true value.

 â€‹Best eight VA  95% confidence interval ​
 Lower Upper
Haute Vallée938927950
Jersey College for Girls104610341058
Le Rocquier964955974
Les Quennevais964954975
Victoria College10089961021


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