St Martin's School catchment (FOI)St Martin's School catchment (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by States of Jersey and published on
29 February 2016.Request
In deciding which address is closer to St Martin's School, when measuring the driving distance from an address within the catchment area for St Martin's school to the actual school itself what measuring tools, software or other equipment and methodology is used to measure the exact driving distance.
Please provide the exact driving distance that has been calculated between [redacted address] as part of the consideration of [redacted personal information] declined admission for St Martins School in the September 2016 intake.
Please provide the driving distances for all other applicants within the catchment area of St Martin that have been granted a place at St Martin's School reception class for the September 2016 intake. Please note, I am not asking for the identification of the addresses, merely the exact calculations made in determining who lives closer to the school.
At what point do families loose the status of living within the catchment area of St Martin's School where they move out of the catchment area for example if at the time of making an application, they are resident within the catchment area but then leave the catchment area prior to places being offered are they still eligible to accept the position to the detriment of children that remain living in the catchment area who are denied a position?
If there is a requirement to compare distances, Google Maps is used in conjunction with the Jersey Property Land Index and associated software
The applicant furthest away from St Martin's School granted a place based purely on catchment area is 2.5km. All other families for whom catchment area priority was used, live closer than 2.5km. There is an applicant who lives approx. 3.7km away from the school where additional priority, other than sibling, was applied
A family must have been living in the catchment area on 18 January 2016 (the date that reception places were allocated) to qualify for catchment priority at that time